Digital with a Difference

Maggie McGary

The only constant is change

Different times require different perspectives

The world isn't the same as it was three years ago...and for better or for worse, there's no going back to "normal" (whatever that even meant to begin with).

The ways we work have also changed. Butts-in-seats as a productivity measure, inside-out ways of presenting information to members and the public, and analog ways of working are relics of a time some loved but equally as many felt suffocated by.

The good news is that there are still plenty of play-it-safe legacy solution providers, acting like they've suddenly morphed into entirely different companies with totally new capabilities...yet the same players, playbooks and proposals. Go figure : )

The future of digital communication lies not in changing the template of the same old strategy decks pitched by the same old partners. It's about out-of-the-box thinkers and doers excited by change and ready rise to new challenges, constantly. This new landscape requires different perspectives, different skillsets and, frankly, different partners to help you venture boldly into uncharted territory.

I’ve spent the past decade helping businesses adapt to a constantly evolving digital landscape, and the past three years developing new skills to continue to keep pace with change. While I certainly don’t know everything, I do know a thing or two about continually adapting strategies and tactics and never resting on the laurels of past accomplishments.

©2023 McGary Digital. Made with ❤️ by Maggie McGary